Thursday, August 23, 2007

Destination: Death.

Destination weddings make me want to crawl into a hole and die.

We're supposed to be headed to one now....instead we spent the evening at the Kitty ER with Babe, for reasons that make my throat close up and my heart skip, so I don't want to talk about them just yet. But we're home, she's okay for now, and tomorrow we're off to Wisconsin for Destination Wedding #1. I guess Wisconsin isn't that big of a destination, it's more just a Place That's Not Here, and somewhere I don't really want to be going to right now, all things considered.

It's cool, I'll enjoy myself once I get there, and Babe's in good hands.

But I'd still rather spend the weekend in bed. With my cat.


Anonymous said...

Aww, damn. I hope Babe bounces back soon!

Hilary Jane said...

I hope she gets better! Have fun at the wedding.